Friday, September 25, 2009

procedural programming in an OOP world

Procedural programming is one damn thing after another. The one place I tend to write procedural code is in initialization modules. For instance, say I'm making a video player. The player needs to first load in an xml file that contains configuration info (width, height, background color, etc); then it needs to load in another xml file, containing a playlist; next it needs to load in external graphics; then it needs to render everything to the stage; finally, it needs to play the first video in the playlist.

What I want to write is something like this:

function init() : void
playVideo( 0 );

Alas, asynchronous-loading makes this impossible. My code can't proceed directly from the first step, loadConfigData(), to the second step, parseConfigData(), because it needs to pause and wait for the data to load before it can begin parsing. So I'm forced to use listeners and callback methods.

function loadConfigData() : void
var urlLoader : URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, parseConfigData );
urlLoader.load( "config.xml" );

function parseConfigData( event : Event ) : void
var urlLoader : URLLoader = event.currentTarget as URLLoader;
var loadedData : String =;
var xml : XML = XML( loadedData );



My nice, neat, compact procedural list becomes an ugly chain of functions that call other functions:

function stepA() : void
//do stuff

function stepB() : void
//do stuff

function stepC() : void
//do stuff


This sucks, because in order to get a bird's-eye-view of the initialization procedure, I have to scroll through all the code. If I want to stop a function from running -- say during debugging -- I need to search to find where that function is being called. It would be so much easier if I could just do this:

function init() : void
//playVideo( 0 );

I decided to solve this problem by creating a class called StepManager, which allows you to run asynchronous code as if it's synchronous. StepManager takes care of the pause between each step. It knows to run step B only after step A has completed.

It's very easy to use. You create a (usually) small class for each step. Then you feed the steps to StepManager like this:

var stepManager : StepManager = new StepManager();
stepManager.addNextStep( StepA );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepB );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepC );

When you're done adding steps, you start them running like this:


If you want to be informed of when all the steps are complete, you can add an event listener to stepManager:

var stepManager : StepManager = new StepManager();
stepManager.addEventListener( StepEvent.COMPLETE, stepsCompleteHandler );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepA );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepB );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepC );

function stepsCompleteHandler( event : StepEvent ) : void
trace( "All steps complete." );

To disable a step, you simply comment out the line of code where you added it to the StepManager:

var stepManager : StepManager = new StepManager();
stepManager.addNextStep( StepA );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepB );
//stepManager.addNextStep( StepC );

Note that StepA, StepB and StepC are classes NOT instances. The StepManager creates instances from the classes you hand it. You just create the classes. Here's the bare bones of what a step class looks like:

import com.grumblebee.utilties.stepmanager.AbstractStep;

public class StepA extends AbstractStep
public function StepA( previousStep : AbstractStep = null )
super( previousStep );

override public function execute() : void
//do stuff

So to make a step, you just extend AbstractStep, write a simple constructor that takes in one argument (previousStep), and override a function called execute. The guts of your step -- whatever you want the step to do -- go in execute().

Each step MUST announce when it's done. It does so by calling super.stepComplete(); (Behind the scenes, stepComplete dispatches an event that's received by the StepManager. When it gets that event, StepManager knows it's okay to move onto the next step.)

Note the previousStep parameter in the constructor. By default, it's set to null. This handles the case of the first step (StepA). There's no step before it, so there can't be a previousStep. But StepManager sends each subsequent step the step that came before it. That way step B can extract any information it needs from step A; Step C can extract information from step B and so on.

Here's a more complete example:

Step A holds url of a text file, which it hands to step B. Step B loads in the contents of the text file, which it hands to step C. Step A looks like this:

public class StepA extends AbstractStep
public function StepA( previousStep : AbstractStep = null )
super( previousStep );

public function get urlToLoad() : String
return "external.txt";

override public function execute() : void
trace( "Step A: It knows the URL of the text file: " + urlToLoad );

Note that the new method, urlToLoad(). It's public, so that step B can access it. Step B is a little more complicated. It looks like this:

public class StepB extends AbstractStep
private var _loadedData : String;

public function StepB( previousStep : AbstractStep = null )
super( previousStep );

public function get loadedData () : String
return _loadedData;

public function set loadedData( value : String ) : void
_loadedData = value;
trace( "Step B: storing this loaded data: " + _loadedData );

override public function execute() : void
var stepA : StepA = ( previousStep ) as StepA;
var url : String = stepA.urlToLoad;

trace( "Step B. received this URL from Step A: " + url );

var urlLoader : URLLoader = new URLLoader();
urlLoader.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler );
urlLoader.load( new URLRequest( url ) );

function loadCompleteHandler( event : Event ) : void
var urlLoader : URLLoader = event.currentTarget as URLLoader;
urlLoader.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler );

loadedData =;


Most of the extra stuff here is just the code to load data from an external text file. One detail worth noting how step B gets the url from step A:

var stepA : StepA = ( previousStep ) as StepA;
var url : String = stepA.urlToLoad;

Another detail you should note is that step B stores the data from the external file in a variable called _loadedData. It allows the next step to access that data via a getter method:

public function get loadedData () : String
return _loadedData;

Step C looks like this:

public class StepC extends AbstractStep
public function StepC( previousStep : AbstractStep = null )
super( previousStep );

override public function execute() : void
var stepB : StepB = previousStep as StepB;
trace( "Step C: received text from step B: " + stepB.loadedData );

Note in its execute() method how step C extracts data from step B.

As shown previously, we can now run all these steps like this:

var stepManager : StepManager = new StepManager();

stepManager.addNextStep( StepA );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepB );
stepManager.addNextStep( StepC );


Here's the output:

Step A: It knows the URL of the text file: external.txt
Step B. received this URL from Step A: external.txt
Step B: storing this loaded data: Hi, mom!
Step C: received text from step B: Hi, mom!
All steps complete.

In the future, I plan to extend StepManager -- allowing branching as-well-as pause and resume functions. In the meantime, you can download the code (and examples) here:

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

the planning problem

Tim Consolazio posted about the ass-backwards way managers and clients tend to plan user-interfaces.

a client has an idea for a project; they want this fantabulous application that does this, this and this. They qualify you, and hire you. There you are, ready to look over requirements and wireframes, iterate through them, allocate your resources, get some preliminary milestones approved, and create a draft project plan.

The client hands you a few comps; artist renderings of the end result. "That's what I want".

You're a contractor, so of course, you say "erm...have you considered...". Some internal employee that believes he/she has already foreseen the future is annoyed, but concedes, so they rework the comps. You look it over and say, "hmm...but how about errors and alerts...what about some form of tips or help...what will happen if the user does this..." The designer starts to whine, the client gets tired of hearing you say, "have you considered...", and assigns some internal employee to start pushing you to start dev immediately, believing they because they have shown you a snapshot of the end result, that the plan is ready to go.

I want to throw a chair across the room and shout, "EVEN IF YOU SUCCEED, YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL!".

As a developer, I have to deal with this same frustration. I don't have a solution, but as terrible as it is, I have some sympathy for the people who get exasperated when we say, "Okay, but what about...?" over and over. I'm not saying that they're right (they're not). I'm saying that I understand what motivates them. If there's a solution, it will have to somehow deal with these motivations -- either re-routing them or quashing them.

When you code, it's generally necessary to plan out a large percentage of what you're going to do before you start -- not the details of the algorithms but all major aspects of the functionality you're coding towards. It's far from trivial to change from one sort of UI to another, so the final UI should be pretty well set before coding begins.

Trouble is, I don't think this sort of thinking is natural to most people. (It is to some of us coders, but we are the freaks. I mean that in a good way. Our "freakiness" -- our anal-retentive nature -- is one of the things that makes us good at our jobs.)

Say you're a cave man and you're about to hunt. There are certain things than you definitely plan out beforehand: what weapons to bring, how much food to carry, etc. But you probably don't map out the majority of what you're going to do. You won't say, "first I'm going to look for a leopard; then, if I can't find one after two hours, I'm going to look for a boar..." You'll just go out and hunt, and you'll deal with new situations as they arise. That FEELS right. It's nice to not have to hold too much in your head at once.

I think that's the natural way (most) people think. They have a general end-goal (bring back food to the cave) and a couple of planned steps (leave cave with spear; walk towards woods), but everything else is improvised.

It's hard to work in a vacuum, by which I mean that most people need SOMETHING TO RESPOND TO in order to make decisions. And that something should be as physical as possible. A wireframe is pretty abstract. It's not something that you can interact with. The natural way to know if you need an error dialogue is to enter an incorrect value in an ACTUAL form and react the fact that the form doesn't respond. Most managers are probably able to work this way with all the members of their team except for the programmers. "Jennings, draft a memo about our first-quarter earnings ... Hm. Having read your draft, I now see that you need to add a paragraph about salary increases at the bottom of page five..."

Say I give you a cake recipe. You're reading it over, and I ask, "Do you think we should add more sugar or less?" You'll be tempted to ask, "Can I make the cake the way the recipe says, try it, and get back to you on that?"

(This is a very similar problem to coding, assuming there isn't time or budget to make second cake. Yes, it is MUCH easier to try a first draft and respond to it, but you don't have that luxury. Since you can only make one cake, and since you can't add or remove sugar from a finished cake, your only option is to plan how much sugar to add at the recipe stage. This is necessary but not ideal.)

I deal with pre-planning vs. trying-and-reacting when I direct plays, which is my main activity when I'm not programming. When I'm directing, I'm on the other side of the fence. I try to pre-plan as little as possible.

An actor will say to me, "My scene partner kisses me, and my character is sort of attracted to her but is also married and faithful to his wife. So when I say, 'We can't do this,' do I say it forcefully or sadly?"

I always respond by saying "Choose one option and lets try the scene." Then I react and we do the scene again, often trying the second alternative. This is a MUCH more natural way to work than to pre-plan many steps ahead.

I believe we would code this way if we could. If I could whip up a complex app in an hour, I wouldn't ask all the "but what about...?" questions. I would just code exactly what the wireframe suggested, run it up the flagpole and see what happens. Even if it turned out to be total crap, it wouldn't be a major hassle to start over from scratch and have a second draft done in another hour.

Alas, coding doesn't work like that, so we are forced to think in an un-natural way -- a way that is more about pre-planning than trying and reacting.

There are other human activities that demand this approach. Architecture is one. You can't just jump in and build a foundation without having first planned out the entire building. This is why architects are rare birds. Not everyone is cut out to be one, because not everyone thinks in this way.

I'm one of the rare birds who does, and I find that it affects even the way I converse with people.

Often, people will ask me to do something (not necessarily a programming task), and they'll ask in a vague way -- not fully explaining what they want. For instance, they'll say, "Marcus, would you go get that thing and put it in the closet?"

What's fascinating to me is to watch how other people tend to deal with requests like this. Over the years, I've noticed that they often don't ask "What thing?" and "Which closet do you mean? We have three."

They just form a hypothesis (maybe they do this unconsciously) about what the thing is go get it and they randomly put it in one of the three closets.

The person who make the request later finds the wrong thing in the wrong closet and says, "Sorry, I didn't mean 'put the suitcase in the hall closet', I meant 'put the shoe box in the bedroom closet.'"

What amazes me -- given my personality type -- is that neither party is upset. They both seem comfortable with a form of communication in which they grope forward from a vague concept to a specific one.

Whereas I'm much more comfortable with specifics up front. I don't want to waste my time trying to figure out what the thing is and what closet to put it in. So I say, "Sorry, can you tell me what thing you mean and which closet you want me to put it in?" I'm often surprised when my request for specificity is met with irritation.

But though I'm right to request specificity from the point of view of minimizing confusion and needless work, I'm wrong from the point of view of standard thinking and conversation. My eccentric way of thinking is one of the things that makes me a good coder.

Getting back to the problem, regardless of what's natural, we CAN'T improvise code. There isn't time. We MUST plan out most of the app before coding begins. That may be unnatural for many people, but it just is the way it is.

Like I said at the start, I don't have a solution. But I have found some approaches that minimize the problem.

People who don't think like me hate being boxed in. They hate feeling like they have to come up with a finished plan NOW and that they can't change anything later. I've found that this is generally more of a feeling than an actual business problem. Even if it's unlikely that anything WILL need to change, people still want to feel that they have the option of changing.

So I usually say this, "Once I'm done coding, there will be some things that will be really easy to change if you don't like them. It will take me five minutes to change the background color or the font or the blah blah blah ... but it will be very expensive to change the dropdown menu to a series of check boxes, so we kind of have to figure that out now..."

I get much better results if I dole out some flexibility at the same time as I demand specificity.

We coders also need to keep in mind that non-coders have no idea what's hard to change and what's easy. Why is changing a background trivial while changing a dropdown to a bunch of checkboxes complex? It SEEMS like it should be easy.

We can't make it easy, but we can warn the people we're working for about the fact that it's not easy. When I do this, I usually acknowledge the fact that this reality is less-than ideal: "UNFORTUNATELY, it's going to be really hard to change X later, so are we sure that's the way we want to go?"

For programmers and managers to work well together, managers need to understand that programming requires a unique mindset and some un-common planning requirements; meanwhile, programmers need to understand that they are being hired because they are specially gifted at thinking in a non-standard way. They need to learn how to help their co-workers see why things need to be done in a way that is unnatural to them.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

jquery coding practices

I've been the series on jquery. I learned jquery a year ago, didn't use it, and promptly forgot its syntax. So I'm grateful for the refresher.

I am curious about what I see as a common practice amongst seasoned jquery-writers: constant use of chaining and function literals. To be blunt, this looks like bad coding style to me.

This sort of thing I mean:

var whichTag = "h3";
var count = 0;

$("div:not([id=header]) " + whichTag).each(function() { $(this).html("" + $(this).html() )});

I see this chaining/inline-function style everywhere throughout the jquery community. It's in all the books, tutorials, etc. So I am wondering if there's a good reason for it. I may be stuck in my own rigid paradigm and I'm willing to consider other approaches.

Here's how I would write that code:

var whichTag = "h3";
var count = 0;
var tagFilter = "div:not[id=header]" + whichTag;

$each( tagFilter).each( makeAnchor );

function makeAnchor()
var anchorTag = "";
var oldTagContent = $html(this);
$this(html) = anchorTag + oldTagContent;

I would love to hear your thoughts. Is there a profound reason for writing (to me) hard-to-read code when writing it in jquery? Or is it just a convention that has cropped up (why?) in the jquery community?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

flash uses the brower's cache

Try this code on the Timeline:


function loadEm() : void
var loader : Loader;

for ( var i : int = 0; i < 10; i++ )
loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE,
completeHandler );
loader.load( new URLRequest( "" ) );
loader.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth;
loader.y = Math.random() * stage.stageHeight;
addChild( loader );

function completeHandler( event : Event ) : void
var loaderInfo : LoaderInfo = event.currentTarget as LoaderInfo;
loaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler );
loaderInfo.content.width = 100;
loaderInfo.content.height = 100;

It loads the same image over and over and places each copy in a random spot on the stage. It's a big image. On my broadband connection, it takes about five seconds to appear.

I expected the first copy to take a while to load. But I figured it would get cached, and that the subsequent ones would appear instantaneously. But to my surprise, they didn't. When I compiled a test movie, I found I had to wait for each copy to be loaded as it was pulled individually from the sever.

Then I tried loading the swf into Firefox. Once I ran it in the browser, it behaved as expected: five seconds for the first image and then -- bing! -- the others appeared all at once.

Firebug confirmed that the swf only make one call to the server.

For some reason, I thought Flash had its own internal cache. Apparently it doesn't. It uses the brower's cache.